Documentation for ScannerJS.


Note: These examples utilize Node.js functionalities.
The following example obtains the sum from a string of numbers and outputs the value.
Run it

const scanner = require('./scanner.js'); // loads the scanner function
const input = '1 1 1 1 1';
const scan = scanner(input); // creates a Scanner object
let sum = 0;
while (scan.hasNextNumber())
    sum += scan.nextNumber();
console.log(sum); // outputs 5

The following example reads a file named words.txt and outputs individual words on separate lines.
Run it

const scanner = require('./scanner.js'); // loads the scanner function
const fs = require('fs'); // loads Node.js File System module
const filepath = './words.txt';
const stream = fs.createReadStream(filepath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
let input = [];
stream.on('readable', () => {
    let chunk;
    while ((chunk = !== null)
        input.push(chunk); // fill the input array with the contents of words.txt
stream.on('end', () => {
    const scan = scanner(input); // creates a Scanner object
    while (scan.hasNext())
        console.log(; // output individual words on separate lines


ScannerJS is designed to model basic functionality of the Scanner class in Java and be used in PSHS's annual coding scimmage for beginners. Use ScannerJS to parse strings or arrays of strings.
For a list of methods, see Global.


Templates designed for competitive programming utilizing ScannerJS.